Importance of Job Description

 What is Job Description (JD)

“A job description is an organized, factual statement of the duties and responsibilities of a specific job.” (Edwin B. Flippo, 1984).

Where job analysis is used, the key elements in a job are outlined. These elements may then be written up as a statement – a job description – setting out what is involved in a job. A job description does not actually describe the kind of person who might be able to do the job; it is needed to develop a person specification. The possible contents of a job description are varied. (Ispas. D, and Borman. C, 2015)

Though state or federal law does not “requires” job descriptions. But JD can be useful tool for both practical and legal reasons.

Figure 1. Job Description

Importance of JD

As a Useful Communication Tool

Job descriptions can be useful communication tools to tell employees exactly what tasks you expect them to perform. Job descriptions may also address quality or quantity of performance standards, or even work rules that apply to a particular job. JD will be a tool and desk instruction for a new employee to cover the key areas. 

To Help Identify the Right Employees for a Job

A detailed JD will help to identify right candidates and it will allow applicants too to precheck whether they are best fit for the job. By this was it will allow the Company to have pool of applicants with right knowledge and skills. 

To Describe Legitimate Minimum Qualifications

A detailed JD would carry what is the minimum qualification and Certifications required for the particular job to be performed. Similarly, if a negative drug test is required before starting or continuing work, that can be stated in the JD.

To Describe the Training and Development required

A detailed JD would carry the trainings required to perform the job, any gaps can be identified and can be used for gap analysis. 


People planning is critical to the company’s business plan. In order to execute and measure success of the goals and objectives for the organization the following people components are vital.

Reporting lines and Human Skills

A detailed JD would clearly instruct the direct and in-direct reporting line for the incumbent. And number of subordinates need to be managed by the job holder.

Note: Above is a brief overview of a detailed Job Description but not limited to.

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[Accessed on 07 April 2022]

[Accessed on 07 April 2022]

[Accessed on 07 April 2022]



  1. As explained by you, Job description is an important document for an employee as it can help identify particular skills or abilities that are necessary for a position. It will guide employees on how to perform their role and the required quality. Good article. All the Best!

  2. Job description allows employee to work efficiently. You have described here what is JD and it's importance as well.good topic

  3. As mentioned, job description is an important communication tool for the management of a company in properly communicating the job requirement of the employees. It helps reduce confusion with all organizational levels be it, top, middle or the first line of an organization. Great article.

  4. as you explained Job description is an important document for an employee as it can help identify particular skills or abilities that are necessary for a position. well written . well done..

  5. JD is important even before recruitment to ensure that a right applicant applies for the role.

  6. Job descriptions can help identify particular skills or abilities that are necessary for a position or the environmental pressures that apply to the position. A good job description tells the applicant what the position may involve or require. You have clearly discussed about it.


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